Wedding DJ

If you position the dance floor like this, you will have a grandiose wedding party!

9 wedding DJ tips for positioning your dance floor

How and where you position the dance floor has a massive impact on the success of your wedding party. That may sound like a very specific criterion for a wedding DJ at first, but based on my experience I can tell you: That's the way it is! I have compiled my 9 tips for you all around the positioning of the dance floor - if you stick to them, nothing stands in the way of a grandiose wedding party!

1. Don't put grandma and grandpa in front of the wedding DJ's sound system

Of course, older guests are usually more sensitive to the volume of the music. Since I usually always accompany dinner musically, it is advisable to place older guests as far away as possible from the sound system and thus also from the dance floor right from the start. You will be pleased, as this also ensures better speech intelligibility when speaking.

2. Make the dance floor neither too small nor too big

Don't make your dance floor too big. So the dancers seem "lost" too quickly and it is more difficult to create a good mood. Of course, the dance floor shouldn't be too small either. As a rule of thumb, I recommend planning with 2 people per square meter of dance floor. Be sure to be flexible about the size of the dance floor. If the initially selected size turns out to be too small, with the help of service staff, space will certainly be created within 60 seconds by clearing away 1-2 tables.

3. No unnecessary distance between your guests and the wedding DJ

Personally, I like it very much when I'm positioned directly on the dance floor. I want to hear what is happening and how guests react immediately to the new song. As a wedding DJ, I want to be part of the party. This does not work if I am placed far from the dance floor or even on a stage. The closer it is, the better!

4. The magic triangle

Places me / the wedding DJ, the dance floor and the bar in close proximity to each other. Especially the male guest at weddings would like to start by observing the hustle and bustle on the dance floor from a slight distance before he becomes active himself. Give him the chance 🙂 The proximity to the bar helps just as much here as it does in the moment when you want to get a quick drink to refresh yourself after an hour on the dance floor.

5. Avoid the distractions of the dance floor

A photo box can be a real asset to the dance floor and the party - if the box is placed close to the dance floor, both are used intensively and without major interruptions. It is not uncommon for me to see guests who have just used the photo box a few meters away and then storm back onto the dance floor with their accessories (monkey mask, hat, etc.). Always a big laugh. But if, for example, a photo truck is placed outside, the same guests (for the same photos) are often out of the room for a quarter of an hour and are absent from the wedding party - not good for the party atmosphere!

6. Surface for the dance floor

As chic as carpets may look at a boho wedding, they are absolute stumbling blocks on the dance floor, so please avoid them. Make sure that your dance floor consists of a solid floor that even women's shoes with heels can cope with!

7. Be careful with additional gimmicks

Yes, confetti cannons have a fun kickoff effect - for 5-10 seconds. It is not uncommon for there to be tons of confetti on the dance floor afterwards. I've seen service staff storm the dance floor right after the cannons were used to clean the dance floor. A sudden interruption to the wedding party when it was just getting off to a good start! So you should definitely consider whether this makes sense for you and if so, definitely discuss the whole thing with the wedding location. Quite a few locations prohibit the use of confetti cannons. Because the danger of slipping should not be underestimated either.

8. Treat your wedding guests to a few standing tables around the dance floor

Standing tables positioned close to the dance floor help your guests to slowly approach the dance topic. But she also offers the dance-mad wedding guests the opportunity to rest for a few minutes, but at the same time continue to participate in the party in order to then storm the dance floor again.

9. Illumination of the dance floor

A decisive component for success on the dance floor is the lighting situation. Make sure that your wedding location is not as bright as day when the party is about to begin. Too much light takes away anonymity and ensures that the individual guest feels too much "in the spotlight". Talk to your wedding DJ about lighting the dance floor. After the opening dance at the latest, a cool club atmosphere is more in demand and nothing stands in the way of the absolute hammer party.

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